Refer to the "EXPO CCW" folder in the chrome bookmark bar above.
Here you will have links to;​
Below are the digital agent and SMS numbers
​Digital Agent Voice
Humach Digital (primary)
Talkdesk Digital ​
SMS Notifications - create a contact on your phone with the following numbers added - label the contact "Palmer"
Below is a list of benefits demonstrated in these demos by audience
Interaction Automation - digital transformation of business
Interaction Deflection - reduced costs, ~1/4 the cost of live agents
Extended Business Hours - allows for a 24/7 workforce, always working
Omni-Channel - allows multiple entry points into your business
Self Service - allows customer to interact alone, less frustration
Omni-Channel - allow customer to engage business on preferred channel
Digital to Live - allows customer to escalate to live help when needed
Cognitive Load Reduction - ​reduced information to have to remember
Workflow - sets a process for specific interaction types
Scripting - define required scripting for compliance
Integrations - performs API calls to 1:N systems via a single interface
The following demonstrations can be presented with this version of demos.
Digital Agent (voice & chat)
Order Status - on track, delayed, canceled​
SMS notification on order credit​
Service Status - scheduled, delayed, canceled​
Account Balance - balance due, make payment, card accepts/declined
SMS notification on payment​
​Agent desktop
Inbound hand-off from digital agent chat or voice interaction
​​Screen-pop with customer contact info
​AI script for multi-step interaction processing & system integration
SMS notifications for interaction results; order status, service status, account balance, callback
Using your own cell phone will provide the following personas via the digital agent and live agent desktop contact
Brad Pitt - 7203336036 (Bruce S)
Sean Connery - 6084822790 (Josh P)
Jeff Bridges - 4025984805 (John J)
Rose Bryne - 2183916091 (Jen L)
*refresh the page before each digital agent demo (hold shift key, refresh page)
All digital agent info requested is (for chat or voice)
Phone number - 10 digits, no dash as above
Account - 4 digts (any)
Last 4 of CC - 4 digits (any)
First name - use your persona name
Last name - use your persona name
Zipcode - 5 digit (any)
You will need credentials to login to either Humach or Talkdesk platforms. Credentials used will be
Humach (primary) - Note: same user cannot login in 2 places
-​ -Bruce will login
- - Josh will login
Talkdesk​ (backup)
-​ - Jen/Bruce will login
The computers used for the Expo will have a folder named "EXPO VIDEOS" that will allow local playing of each demo video. If the network is good and stable you can click a demo link below to play from the cloud.​
You will need the following in order to perform demos for either platform (Humach or Talkdesk).
Laptop with Latest chrome web browser (tablet version not supported)
Ethernet port for access to the internet
HDMI port for video/audio to TV display
Charging supply & power cable
Mouse or trackpad
End of page