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Refer to the "EXPO CCW" folder in the chrome bookmark bar above. 

Here you will have links to;​


Below are the digital agent and SMS numbers

​Digital Agent Voice

  • Humach Digital (primary)

    • 1-833-557-1060​

  • Talkdesk Digital ​

    • 1-516-667-1994​

SMS Notifications - create a contact on your phone with the following numbers added - label the contact "Palmer"

  1. 469-397-0129

  2. 972-634-9101

  3. 833-557-1060


Below is a list of benefits demonstrated in these demos by audience

  1. Client

    1. Interaction Automation - digital transformation of business

    2. Interaction Deflection - reduced costs, ~1/4 the cost of live agents

    3. Extended Business Hours - allows for a 24/7 workforce, always working

    4. Omni-Channel - allows multiple entry points into your business

  2. Customer

    1. Self Service - allows customer to interact alone, less frustration

    2. Omni-Channel - allow customer to engage business on preferred channel

    3. Digital to Live - allows customer to escalate to live help when needed

  3. Agent

    1. Cognitive Load Reduction - ​reduced information to have to remember

    2. Workflow - sets a process for specific interaction types

    3. Scripting - define required scripting for compliance

    4. Integrations - performs API calls to 1:N systems via a single interface


The following demonstrations can be presented with this version of demos.

  1. Digital Agent (voice & chat)

    1. Order Status - on track, delayed, canceled​

      1. SMS notification on order credit​

    2. Service Status - scheduled, delayed, canceled​

    3. Account Balance - balance due, make payment, card accepts/declined

      1. SMS notification on payment​

  2. ​Agent desktop

    1. Inbound hand-off from digital agent chat or voice interaction

    2. ​​Screen-pop with customer contact info

    3. ​AI script for multi-step interaction processing & system integration

    4. SMS notifications for interaction results; order status, service status, account balance, callback


Using your own cell phone will provide the following personas via the digital agent and live agent desktop contact

Brad Pitt - 7203336036 (Bruce S)

Sean Connery - 6084822790 (Josh P)

Jeff Bridges - 4025984805 (John J)

Rose Bryne - 2183916091 (Jen L)


*refresh the page before each digital agent demo (hold shift key, refresh page)

All digital agent info requested is (for chat or voice)

  • Phone number - 10 digits, no dash as above

  • Account - 4 digts (any)

  • Last 4 of CC - 4 digits (any)

  • First name - use your persona name

  • Last name - use your persona name

  • Zipcode - 5 digit (any)


You will need credentials to login to either Humach or Talkdesk platforms.  Credentials used will be



The computers used for the Expo will have a folder named "EXPO VIDEOS" that will allow local playing of each demo video.  If the network is good and stable you can click a demo link below to play from the cloud.​


You will need the following in order to perform demos for either platform (Humach or Talkdesk).

  • Laptop with Latest chrome web browser (tablet version not supported)

  • Ethernet port for access to the internet

  • HDMI port for video/audio to TV display

  • Charging supply & power cable

  • Mouse or trackpad

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